Customer Service +90 (332) 342 10 67
The most important capital of the moving iron Brothers awareness that human resources in order to differentiate from the competition Foundries, to achieve the company's goals and objectives, and to prepare the infrastructure necessary labor, develop and able to think strategically, fast, agile and with responsible colleagues are targeting this family grow.
Valuing people "s, as well as a list of values" Reliability, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Focus on Quality, Customer Focus, Determination to Succeed "by the oluşturur.tarafsız and equal opportunities approach, both personally provide suitable environment to grow as well as professional. Individual differences are correct format assess and evaluate performance by measuring the objective criteria. Makes it possible to fulfill the duties of the business effectively and efficiently. Please fill in the form below.

Personal Informations
Name * :
Surname * :
Birth Place * :
Birth Date * :   
Gender * :
Marital Status *:
Military Status * :
Driving Licence * :

Contact Informations
Address * :
City * :
Phone * :
E-Mail * :

Education Informations
School Name Department Graduation Year
Primary School :
High School :
Pre Licence :
Licence :
Graduation :
Doctorate :

Foreign Language Informations
Foreign Language Speaking Reading Writing

Work Experience
Company Name Duty Start / Finish Reason for leaving

Reference Informations
Name Surname Company Name Duty Phone

Other Informations
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